Madalena Shkurti

Post-Professional Master of Fine Arts in Interior Design

Graduating with High Honors

Powerhouse Arts is established to create a robust platform for art production stewarding the redevelopment of the former Brooklyn Rapid Transit Power Station in Gowanus.

The goal is to create a flexible facility that will house fabrication and production in wood, metal, ceramic, textile, and print, in one-year program workshop.

The programming includes education, housing, and public engagement.


The main concept idea to create the overall design shape was inspired from a video of water pouring into an empty glass. The relation between the void created in the middle of the glass while water is being poured helped me defined the relation between my spaces.

The main idea of this project is to create a flexible and transformable living and studying space which takes into consideration the individual needs.

A part of the building is architecturally transformed having a new structural grid to host the moving container houses. A mechanism is designed to help the process.

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